Why Network Security and not Information Security?

Why Network Security and not Information Security?
By Network Bulls
Jul 24, 2014
Informational Articl...

Security plays an important role in all fields of IT industry. Be it networking, information, database, cyber threats, etc. each and every aspect of our industry requires secure access to its information/data with protection against all the possible vulnerabilities posing threat to its integrity and authenticity. Network security is related to an act of protecting network(s) from unwanted or illegal access and modifications by the outside world where as information security involves preventing confidential information or data from getting into hands of misleading individuals or disruptive third party organizations. Hence protecting the confidential information becomes all the more important be it on networks or simple informational security.

Network Security: The new boon of IT Industry

When we talk about growth and scope in the two specified fields’, network security surely tops the list. Network security individuals are more in demand as compared to normal information security specialists due to sudden up rise in its popularity as companies are now hiring more and more security specialists to handle their sensitive data stored on networks or the internet. The network security people are solely responsible for maintaining and conducting various security measures essential for protecting private data of an organization.  He/she may also be responsible for imparting general security training to company’s staff while creating and implementing certain security policies within the organization. The salaries offered to network security professionals in India varies from company to company and experience. Freshers may get a decent start of 2-3 lpa and experienced candidates may get 6 lpa or even more depending upon his/her experience. 

The reason why network security has become an important aspect for companies is the chances of substantial information getting breached and ever increasing scope of network security/CCIE certifications. Information which is highly personal to the organization, if breached may lead to serious legal consequences and liabilities. Say if a new product is being launched by some company and its blueprint/design gets leaked or invaded by some other company or an organization through illegal means then may directly hamper company’s profit and cutthroat advantage. For more such similar reasons network security has been drawing more concern and attention by management people in top level companies/organizations worldwide.

Designations offered to network security aspirants include network security engineer, security specialist, applications engineer, cyber security engineer, technical engineer – network security, CCIE Security engineer, etc. Locations in India having network security jobs are Mumbai, Noida, Gurgaon, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, etc. apart from India countries like Nigeria, USA, UK, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, etc. have evergreen scope and opportunities for individuals wanting to make their career in this industry. One important point that must always be kept in mind is that if one is well versed with the tricks and tactics of network security then no one can ever stop him/her from getting a great salaried job anywhere in the world. Go to CCIE Security Training in India to know more about its scope, training and other detailed information.

Information security: A Big NO!!

Information security whenever compared to network security offers less scope and growth opportunities as the jobs which require information security specialists pose numerous difficulties in aspirant’s path in terms of uncountable long working hours, one constantly needs to be updated and in sync with the latest technological trends in market, very less or no chance of bonus or incentive or recognition, limited career growth opportunities, high work pressure, constant need of being perfect with no room for mistakes, and what not. Information security specialists as per experts are usually under paid and get stagnated after brief period of time of their employment.  After working for long hours these people still remain paranoid about their information’s security getting breached every now and then. Also to quote that in this field security guaranteed is never 100%.

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Information security specialists have limited or no professional growth at all. This is so because many companies hire security professionals for securing their networks and data on it rather than hiring informational security experts. Even if companies hire such individuals they usually deal with lower level of tasks which gives them no industrial knowledge or exposure. Moreover students now days are running behind ethical hacking which is an indirect type of information security causing them to be exploited and under paid. Companies prefer hiring security candidates who know how to implement security measures through firewalls instead of people who breach into other company’s systems as protecting is more important than invading.

Also to note that information security has no room for mistakes. A problem is never fixed forever it is just corrected for the time being until next time. You manage to get hold of the problem, solve it and it again sprouts up after few months. As a result your security handling skills get challenged and questioned leaving you in a state of devastation. Put simply if you are looking for a secure, well paid, growing, and appreciable career than network security is one platform which can offer you all of the mentioned benefits along with countless many others. One such certification which helps to get pro with network security principles is CCIE Security certification offered by Cisco. This certification helps aspirants to get familiar with industrial requirements of network security, its basic to advance level technologies making them an all-rounder in the specified field.

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